Uli and his bars

My best buddy is a rave when it comes to knowing the nooks and corners of a town, specially the best food and bar joints. He for himself, seems to love Indian food. Surprisingly?

But then Uli and bars go even better! He can drive you half way around town and to the most obscure lanes, to savor the...

...flavor of an interesting place. Like the bar at a factory turned Cinema Hall in Frankfurt. And mind you, it just not any fancy Multiplex. An exclusive place with a solid double steel thickness entry door, where the choicest of the movies are screened for the discerning viewers. He is good at it. Perhaps he was an outstanding student in his times?

And what happens when two buddies meet once in a blue moon to catch up? They have to be at the bluest of all places. And then discuss their life. To recall moments of yesteryears, or as in his case, how a beauty would drop him off there, plant a kiss and go on, while he would go pubbing! Well for sure, there is heat and twinkle in our discussions.

He like a true blooded designated driver, doesn't drink. Always orders the fake Long Drink or Cocktail. But his stories are more intoxicating than the drinks you can ever get. And all of them are special. Very special. It is almost that he has a photogenic memory. Every minute detail captured and stored. Perhaps this is why I like his wide angle view of life, with the macro ON.

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