
I get asked so often, "hey, we want to travel to India - what would you recommend?", or by Indians, "what all can we see in and around Germany?" Most of my recommendations are based on my personal journeys, mostly as my lovely partner had the wanderer spirit.

I will also make an effort to provide a list of additional information, such as hotels and how to get around, using trains or road options, that you can safely get from A to B.

Food in India is also a big concern for the soft European stomachs, so I'd be happy to walk you through the available and best options. So you can be relaxed and enjoy the trip, than worry sick about an unhealthy state of your body.

India Travelog


Have you ever been in an Open Art Gallery City? Well, if not, then be open to the surprise. The culturally rich and very colorful state of Rajasthan, has a small town called Mandawa, not too far from Delhi (2.5 hours of drive), to offer a never before seen view ~ Open Art Gallery, through the homes spread across the town.


The historical princely state of the Nizam, now capital of Andhra Pradesh state, oops, 2 new states, is worth a visit in isolation of all places. It is a unique mix of old days charm, with modernity - but with a pace of 'why hurry' thinking!

Delhi Agra Jaipur

This one is all about covering Delhi-Agra-Jaipur, the Golden Triangle covering 3 states. Surely the love for "Taj Mahal" is universal, in so much so that it is an epitome of the story of love. And the draw for it, is naturally via-Agra. And if you are interested, you could extend your reach to the more colorful cities of Jodhpur and Jaisalmer!

New Delhi Airport

This is your guide to getting out of New Delhi (DEL) International Airport or T3.                           Nothing better than to take the direct Air India Flight to Delhi from Frankfurt... to arrive fresh in the morning.

Germany Travelog

Safety - Germany

Welcome to one of the safest touristic countries in the world. But don't think that a Christian country, doesn't have its sinners. And so, thinking that your bag is all safe and sound, while you wander away, or get distracted, is NOT a wise option. I recap, what happened to someone in the heart of Western Germany - Dusseldorf. If this blows your head, then - think - and act.

Indian Passport lost in Germany?

Many a travelers (usually business folks) come to Germany, thinking that it can't be any safer elsewhere than here? Well, well, there is a rude surprise ~ a cost you pay, if you have been careless in manning your valuables, specially those in handbags. And it happens so well organized, you would wonder, if it was James Bond driving away duping the thick security?

EU Travelog


Madeira ist wunderschön, was sich unter anderem auch durch das ständig wechselnde Landschaftsbild begründet: Steile Terrassenhänge, auf denen Wein in sehr kunstvoller Weise über Querstreben aus Holz angebaut wird, große Bananenplantagen, Palmenhaine, duftende Lorbeer- und Eukalyptuswälder, schroffe Steilküsten, bizarre Felsformationen im Meer und im sehr hohen Gebirge, viele Wasserfälle, wunderschöne Gärten, Parks und Aussichtspunkte in schwindelerregenden Höhen, die mit durchsichtigen Aussichtplattformen am Boden ausgestattet sind.

USA Tavelog

US Travel Tips

Traveling to the US of A and don't know what to do? Here are some practical tips to ensuring you sail through Immigration right to dock on the double spring mattress of your hotel.

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